Just a friendly reminder that our All Championship March show is a little
over a month away.  As many of your know this show is held in congruence
with the Pet Expo Center and is the longest ferret show in PA.  Our Show
runs for three days.
On Friday, March 11, 2005 from 4pm - 9pm join us while we review how a
ferret is judged and keypoints to improve upon.  This class will also
teach you how to clean your ferret's teeth and ears, clip and buff nails
and how to bathe your ferret and keep the coat nice and fluffy instead
of weighed down (especially good for those whole hobs).  We will also
explore show safety and extra precautions (this will proceed all three
days before any events).
On Saturday, March 12, 2005 join us while our All Championship Show
proceeds from 9am - 7pm.  This day is the most fun of all, enjoy the
excitment of showing your ferret and the fun games we run all day long.
Not to fear if you put your ferret in the wrong class, LOS will put them
in the right class.  Our shows are people and ferret oriented.  We know
that there are a lot of first time showers out there and so we design the
show around public education and bringing ferret awareness.  Our rings
are designed for all ferrets of all sizes and shapes.  We even have rings
for those who are slightly imperfect (missing toes, short tail, etc.).
With LOS every ferret is super.
On Sunday, March 13, 2005 join us while our Fun Games and Seminars
proceed from 10am - 5pm.  On this day we will explore the marvels of the
ferret.  We will also have a seminar on ADV, ECE and other communicable
diseases and preventative methods.
This show is required pre-registration in order to bring your ferret to
the show as set forth by the Pet Expo.  But if you wanted to attend one
of the events with you ferret(s), please email me at [log in to unmask]
and I will have you registered so that you may bring your ferret to the
show.  Also we always welcome anyone wanting to come and watch or
patronize the vendors.  For a show packet or more information, please
visit our website at http://www.freewebs.com/losnational/
We hope to see you there.
Dawn Smith
Legion of Superferrets
[Posted in FML issue 4782]