Byte-me is now just under 6 1/2 years and old for a fert.  She is
feeling her age stumbling along with arthritis and now blindness.  She
is no where near as fast and bouncy as she used to be and I have to be
very careful in handling her where she has lost lots of resilience.
Today was a great day for temp, nearly 60 here so I took her out for
a free romp in the lawn.  She loved it but being now blind she is not
secure wandering about like she used to do.  She will hear my voice and
gravitate to me spending most her time weaving in and out between my
feet.  When she has had enough, which isn't long, she will start to climb
up my pant leg, her language of telling me it's time for me to pick her
up and bring her back to the house where she knows everything by feel.
That is what I do.
Such a gentle and sweet little animal!
Gordon and Byte-me
[Posted in FML issue 4781]