Awhile back we took in a blind ferret that was a biter.  We didn't really
rehab her as much as we learned to manage her so she doesn't bite.
Literally a wrong move and she'll give you a good hard nip.  She doesn't
go for the kill  She has partial sight and used to bite if you came head
on.  If you approach her with a closed fist and let her smell you first
she's very easy to pick up.
I went to pick our little girl up and do her nails.  She nipped at me.  I
tried to get some olive oil on her belly and she just wiggle.  I settle
for scruffing her.  She screamed twice like I was killing her.  I don't
know what caused it.
I finally had to get my husband to finish clipping her nails while I used
to hands to hold her.  I hoped holding her with 2 hands made her feel
more secure.
[Posted in FML issue 4780]