We closed our store but our great products are still available.
I make Gift tags, address labels and magnets either using stock photos of
ferrets or your photos.  You can have any gift tags made, all occasions
available.......funny, serious, romantic, you name it.  I also do the
address labels.  Sheets are $1.25 each and shipping is .93 cents.  The
gift tags sheets vary depending on how big you want the label.  We have
sheets with the following number of self sticking tags (6, 10, 14 and 30)
Address labels are the standard 30 labels/sheet and EVERYONE needs
address labels!  Valentine work is still available and will ship Monday
if ordered this weekend.  These make great gifts for teachers, shelter
mom's and dads, kids for great report cards and Friends!  Email me for
details........ [log in to unmask]
All proceeds benefit TinyPrints Ferret Rescue Medical fund which is
shortly going to top out at over $2000.00.  So please help me pay off
this bill and get some great items in exchange!
TinyPrints On The Heart.....
TinyPrints Shih Tzu, TinyPrints Ferretry and Rescue
Ebay Sales to Benefit TinyPrints Ferret Rescue Medical Fund
TinyPrints Ferret Rescue PetFinder Web Page
TinyPrints Ferret Rescue Store
[Posted in FML issue 4779]