Wolfy, I agree with your "individual ferret" theory.
And, as for the "Ferret Nazis".......... I hope they have disappeared.
They are the one of the main reasons why I left the FML for so long in
the first place.  I had enjoyed reading it, and it was one of the main
places I went to escape from what was going on around me at the
time......I couldn't control then what was in God's hands, but I COULD
control adding to my stress from another outside source.  And I did.
But people brutalizing each other over differing opinions and whom you
did or did not choose to be friends with just got to me.  It reminded me
too much of the "fandom world" (can we say "fandom for ferrets.....?)
experiences I had had in the past, and folks, I am too old and
emotionally bankrupt to play such stupid and nonproductive games.
Fun topics, intelligent sharing and learning, and
"agreeing-to-disagree-without-attacking-the-other-guy" are the way to
help the babies, and I am so glad to see that happening now.
Let us hope that the "Ferret Nazis" have faded into the past or are few
and far between.... (Lord, Wolfy, how I love that term "Ferret Nazis." It
is so, so......PERFECT!) I am actually DARING to attend the "Ferret
Symposium" this year.  But I will admit folks that the only reason I
actually "took the plunge" (even with the lure of Dr. Fitzgerald......),
and took the risk of braving potential "Ferret Nazis"-OK, let me get it
out of my sysytem-was because I had people to visit in the area anyway.
I just scheduled my vacation around the symposium.  That way, I could
retreat across the river to St.  Charles and people that love me (or at
least tell me they do.....LOL......they must after putting up with me for
over 42 years.........and no, that is NOT my age......sigh) if things
were "out-of-control."
Let's face it folks.  I am a coward.... Well, maybe that is not the best
term.  I do avoid confrontation when at all possible, I will admit that,
fight if it is a battle I feel strongly about.  I just figure that the
little things, well, if someone needs to win that badly, I will LET
them.  It isn't the individual battles that necessarily win a war, after
all......... Life isn't about winning or losing......
Behind The Zion Curtain
"You have all the equipment, you just need to read the manual" -
Elle Woods
[Posted in FML issue 4802]