Just a word on the Denmark/Ferpharm situation.
Soren has been contacted by numerous groups and the offer to compensate
him by purchasing his "old" stock was made.  He refused each offer, and
has weaved so many different versions of this story that the truth is no
longer accessible.
It is sad that a person who has numerous convictions for animal cruelty
is permitted to carry on in the business of animal trade.  I don't
believe it has escaped anyone that breeding ferrets for retail is indeed
a business, and one expects to profit from it, but the arguments here
involve the overall treatment of the animals used, and a call for
stricter laws regarding their care and keep.
Much of the finger pointing at one another in the last few FML's would be
energy much better spent by contacting government agencies and expressing
concern over situations of animal abuse and cruelty.  These laws need to
change, and people in the trade need to be held responsible for ethical
treatment of livestock.  Not only in the Soren situations, but in so many
more heartwrenching instances of blatant cruelty.
Let's move forward, and work for a kinder future for animals everywhere.
[Posted in FML issue 4802]