I never thought I would ever let one get away from me.  Both my wife and
I are so careful.  Last night I didn't close the inside door tight enough
and Bubbles climbed over the screen door over the top and got out.  We're
not entirely sure if that's how it happened, because it was late last
night, my wife was asleep, and I went out for a couple hours.  My wife
somehow woke up about an hour after I left and noticed the inside door
open.  I'm pretty sure that if she was still in the house we would have
found her by now.
I feel so stupid and useless.  We live in the city and live on a busy
road.  My wife and I looked til 3am this morning, and I got up at 7am
to see if she might have found her way back.  I put one of her houses
out there so she could crawl into it and sleep if she came back.  I put
some food on both the front and back steps.  I've been around the block
and down the alley 20 times, and in all my neighbor's yards.  We are
heartbroken, but we haven't given up.  We're tearing the house apart in
case she might still be here.  The worst part is not knowing.
I have seen others who have lost a ferret in this way post about it.  I
know this sounds stupid, but every time I saw a post like that I thought
to myself, "Jesus, what an irresponsible thing to do, to lose a ferret."
The person would ask for good thoughts, which is about the only thing you
can really do at this point, besides keep looking.  And even though I
thought it was probably a waste of time, whenever I would see this kind
of post I would focus my thoughts on the ferret who was either lost or
sick.  More than once, the ferret would make it home or get better.  I'm
not St. Frank, but hey, it seemed to work.  I'm sure it was a collective
But now I'm kicking myself for being irresponsible and stupid, myself.
So this is what I figure: if I can help a ferret with some good thoughts,
then maybe you guys can help my baby with some good thoughts of your own,
however you might do it.  Her name is Bubbles, and she's my little girl.
She's about two.  I need her back home safe and sound with my other guys.
I've already asked St.  Frank, myself, and I haven't given up hope.  My
heart is heavy and my eyes are burning, but my wife and I are hanging in
there.  We'll keep looking.  We miss her very much.  If all our ferrets
were an eye, she would be the sparkle in it.  I can't imagine her being
Albuquerque, NM
[Posted in FML issue 4802]