Hi all,
Hope everyone had a happy holiday season...happy New Year (dook)!
I am writing with a question for metro Washington, D.C.-area residents.
I have been offered a position within my company in the metro D.C. area.
I am anxiously awaiting the chance to go down there & explore a new
city (though not too anxious to move again, after just having done it
six months ago), and along with all that comes all the usual nonsense
involved with moving to a new place.  I am wondering if there are any
D.C. area residents who can tell me what ferret vet(s) they use, as
well as supply me with any kind of "city living" tips for W/DC, or the
surrounding states.
Just as an aside, I know from searching the archives that Dr. Bruce
Williams works in the area - I just wasn't sure if he does well-ferret
visits, vaccinations, etc.
Thanks again, and many dooks!
Jessica Manson Morton
15 Monmouth St. #2
Boston, MA 02128
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[Posted in FML issue 4753]