John writes:
>Wolfy, "A dream w/BIG naked??" Whew!!!  I`m afraid to go to sleep
-- Oh and you should well be!  Be afraid ... be very ... afraid.
Let me elaborate on the Juicy Judy the Cookie thing.  Judy Cooke, as
you might know is a long time member of the FML.  She's a neat lady
who helped pioneer the IFC, and has continued Randy's work with the
Symposiums (along with Linda I, Julie F, and many others).  I remember
her first post because it was meant to be in jest.  And I, being the ever
so mishappen Woofy, fell for it.  I was reading the FML one day when a
post from a "little old lady" talked about how she was blowing bubbles
on her ferrets belly buttons and how much they loved it.  She then wrote
that it occured to her that ferrets don't have "belly buttons".
"Scott, Scott, get a load of this!  This little old lady was blowing on
her ferrets ... you know ... and couldn't understand why they kept coming
back for more!" That "little old lady" was Judy.  We all fall into the
traps of filling in the gaps or getting perceptions of people online.
For some bizarre reason, I imagined some little old lady.  I'm telling
you this so you get a feel for her neat sense of humor.
I met Judy a few years later at the Vegas Symposium.  At the time, I
didn't put two and two together and realize the lady I had met online
was that "little old lady" from years ago who posted the silly post on
the FML.  It was only then I found out that I fell for the post.  Judy
happens to be very young hotness!  Yup.  But she was indeed "little".
I cracked up at how petite she was.  What's more, her voice matched!
Immediately upon returning home, I emailed everyone about all the neat
people I met with veeeeeeery detailed descriptions of their appearence
and personalities so that those who did not go would feel like they were
there.  The first person I described was this Judy of Cooke.  I said one
word described her.  Elf.  LMAO.  I've teased her relentlessly since.
But worry not, she gets me back ... quite often.
She is indeed very mischievious.  I saw pointed ears in Atlanta.  I did!
I took my morning medications so I know that I was not hallucinating
despite what you've heard.  I promise you.
John, you join me in this venture to prove her blood linage in St.
Louis.  We'll put on the docket that Vulcan is to be investigated along
with Elfin and Dwarf-en (lol) races.  We'll settle this one way or
another.  I'm asking for those who want to help to approach me in St.
Louis.  We need volunteer axe searchers, ear investigators, etc..
Who else is joining John and I?
ps, Judy's alias is Juicy Judy.  This is because the spaz mispelled her
name in an email to friends at one time.  Wait ... did she just get me
to fall for ANOTHER thing??
[Posted in FML issue 4774]