With all the Elf/Dwarf talk going on, I thought I should perhaps attempt
a denial.  As I told the Wild Wolfy One, I am not a Dwarf.  I'm sure
everyone knows that it's almost impossible to tell the Dwarf women from
the men - I do not have the required beard - hence, I am not a Dwarf!
Also, I have a bum elbow - no way could I ever swing an Axe!!  A dinner
knife, maybe.  An axe - no way!  And I would never stoop to biting
someone in the knee....or anywhere else!  Who knows what I'd catch!
Yuk...gag...spit...hand me the Listerine, please!
What I am, however, is quite willing to help get a few people to the
symposium in St Louis who might not otherwise be able to attend.  As the
wild Wolfy woman said, Alicia's airfare has been taken care of, but that
is only part of the expense.  If you would like to share your room - even
just for a night, that would be great!  Or if you'd like to send a couple
bucks to help with the expense - just let me know!  I can make sure the
funds get where they need to go!  (I am not acting as a member of Support
Our Shelters or the International Ferret Congress on this - I'm just
doing this as me!)
And last...a warning!!  For those of you planning to be in St Louis....
please use caution when meeting and greeting the Wolfy for the first
time!  Do NOT kiss her on the cheek.  (Or anywhere else for that matter!)
The face cream she wears is not actually face cream...it's....well,
it's....oh gee....I guess you'll have to ask her!
[Posted in FML issue 4774]