From what Sandy has told my yahoogroup in the past, the shelter is called
"Tammie's Rescue" run by Tammie and Mike [last name??] and that "they
also rescue dogs and cats mostly cats lots and lots of cats."  (S, Nobles
Dec 1, 2004).
To date Animal Control in both Boise as well as Twin Falls Idaho has
never heard of this rescue.  No one is sure of its location to help out
or do testing.  No one can help send monitary donations or services to
this shelter if people in charge won't post the address.
Sandy also said that she lives in Twin Falls but had a house in Burley.
We're all guessing the shelter is somewhere in that 100 mile radius?
The Idaho Humane Society had a salmonella outbreak a few months back and
they would be a great local resource to get help.  We're good friends
with a lot of people there and I'll be sure to let them know what is
going on because I know it cost them a lot of time, money, and lives.
They would hate to see another rescue go down because of it.
Laura (as herself.  Any ideas expressed by Laura are her own and do not
reflect the will of the shelter, it just so happens the shelter mail is
the one the FML comes to)
[Posted in FML issue 4747]