hey folks...[JustPlainKat here...]
just a reminder about the ebays to raise funds for these two very special
ladies and their shelters...both of whom have recently taken in a bund of
ferrets in seperate rescues...
BOTH of these ladies are at the top of the list for love and generosity
when it comes to ferrets and ferret people...you could not find more
loving or generous people...
these 2 ebays are chock full of goodies...both packages overflowing with
not only goodies for you and your ferrets...but love, also...
i will not list all the items again...but there are tons of them...:)
Ferret Goodie Basket #1 for 2 Shelters in Need
Ferret Goodie Basket #2 for 2 Shelters in Need
we have a good start on this...but let's try to get it up a bit more...
don't forget...these totals get split between 2 shelters...:)
thank you in advance...
Fuzzy Hugs & Whiskered Kisses...
My E-Bay Store... http://stores.ebay.com/kats-gnomes-n-more
[Posted in FML issue 4770]