Our sincerest condolences to those who have lost their ferrets recently.
Our hearts are with you.
My oldest ferret Winter does not have much time left.  He is 9 years old
as of January 1st and his kidney values have worsened and his colitis is
killing him.  His spleen has hardened and he has an enlargement in his
bowel loop.  He is also anemic.  My vet suspects cancer.  He is eating
great and this kills me because he wants to continue.  I have been giving
him iron and liver supplements along with his 4 daily feedings.  I am
watching his coloring especially on his gums and am aware of what to
watch for.  I do not want to put him to sleep until I know it is his time
which I know is very near and hate the thought of it.  For those who are
going through dealing with sickly or elderly ferrets, our hearts know too
well what you feel.  One of my other guys, Wolf, is most likely going to
have insolinoma surgery the second week of February.  We have discussed
the whole thing with our vet and know the risks involved either way.  He
is also starting to go adrenal and is just over 5 years old.  We just had
our 3rd ferret have a melatonin implant and are awaiting results.
My husband has now new items for valentine's day now listed on ebay.  The
money from all the auctions will be going to help pay for Wolf's surgery
and more melatonin implants.  You may view them through these links
below: if not you can go to ebay and click on Advanced search in the
upper right corner and on the next page, click on Items by Seller under
search in the left column.  On that page type in Minkey98 under enter
seller's user ID and it will bring you to the items for sale.
Eleanor, Donald and the 9 fuzzies
[Posted in FML issue 4770]