Dear Friends,
What I am about to say has no medical backing, but I nursed a less than
half pound ferret (including the tail) back to health with it.
I noticed so many of you have problems with feeding sick ferrets, and I
am only offering this from personal experience.
When I have a ferret who is not eating, I suspect a digestive problem.
Maybe they have the beginnings of an ulcer, an upset tummy, or just the
I feed WARM ferretone to them, just a few drops in an eyedropper, (I have
a plastic one) about 15 minutes before they get their soup or what ever
they eat.
This coats the tummy and I think it helps.  At least my little is now a
full two pounds without the tail.
As I said, there is no data to say this works, but experience has shown
me, that they like warm things to eat.  I only offer this as one Hospice
Mom's experience.
Girls, if I am nursing a sick ferret, I put the ferretone in a small
plastic bottle, and slip it into my bra.  This keeps it at 98 or so.  I
also use this if I have to fast a ferret for the vet.  I put the soup in
the bottle and keep it warm the same way.  After the Vet.visit, I take
the dish out of my purse, set up a paper towel and dish (placesetting),
pour the warm soup into the dish, my little one laps it up, and the ride
home is peaceful.
Good Luck
Marilyn at Ledoux Hospice
[Posted in FML issue 4770]