Hi all, I is finally getting to de end of de mail de mailferret dropped
on me--I know its late, but time is nothing here like it is on earth.
But finally, I got to checking on Mommy Becca's furkids: Fiona, Morag,
Garfunkel, and Jasmine and Charlie Kitty and Victor Dog.  Where do go.
Hmmmm are dey all live together or whats.  I check de Boss's big books
for ferrets, kitties, and doggies.  Found Fiona, Morag, Garfunkel, and
Jasmine.  But not de other two.  Oks, so off I flies --dey must all live
out in de sticks.  Den I spot a small village.  Lots of furs, cats and
dogs.  Oh-oh.  Hopes dey are fweindly.  I land close by the furkids pwace
and knock on dere door.  A big dog answered and says Who is you?
I admits dat fearless as I may be I wants to cut and runs.  I must admit
tho dat I did look a bit odd wit my pink pith helmet and pink clothes to
match along with my now gorgeous tail (yep I am vain).  I says well I
has a message from Mommy Becca asking about de kids.  Well he welcomes me
in saying why didnt you tell me dat first.  (I would have but my mouth
couldnt say anything when I saw de big doggie)  He barks for de others
saying SaraFerret is here wit a message from Mommy Becca.  Dey came
running--4 ferrets, 1 cat, and of course de big doggie.
I tells dem dat my mommy had a message from dere mommy and she was
wondering whats dey were up to.  I asks if dey all lives together here.
Sure dey said after a brief intro from all of dem--even de doggie and
kitty.  Wowsie where does de doggie sleep.  Well de ferrets giggled.  We
have hammies but we dont use dem much as we all sleep on top of Victor
dog.  Even de kitty Charlie sleeps dere, but if Victor gets grumpy we
head for our hammies and of course de cat has a hammie.  A very big
hammy.  Victor had a very large round doggie bed, when he can get aways
from de furkids.  But apparently dey do quite well together.  Kitty is
chief cook and bottle washer and Victor is dere protector ( why do dey
need a protector-- nothing bad happens here, but whatever).  Dey did say
dat dey miss Mommy.  but dey are doing so good and no pains, and all de
time fun, tube races, mudstomps, even basketweavings.  (basketweavings--
when did dat start?) I asks what de baskets were for as dere were a
number of dem dere.  Oh dey cried--dey are kit cradles--ya know hanging
from de clouds.  How sweet.  Dere are so many little kits up here for
whatever reason.  We are surprised you didnt recognize us as we visit de
Kit House often.  I says well maybe we just miss each other.  We hada
pleasant chat and had tea and cookies.  And I tells dem dat I will pass
de message on to dere Mommy.  Hugs all around and esp one kiss thrown
for Mommy
So off I flew home, one tired furry--wowsie.  I sure flew a lot today.
But all in a day's work
Love and dooks
Ms SaraFerret
[Posted in FML issue 4769]