Hello Everyone,
My ferrets love to play in the snow as well.  Sometimes I bring them
outside to play but it is really cold outside here in Illinois.. ;-)
I think I have found the perfect compromise that my ferrets absolutely
love, well 4 out of 5 anyway.
I use a large recycling bin to fill up my bathtub with snow and hang a
towel over the side for them to climb in.  One of my ferrets is a expert
digger and would stay in there all day if I didn't make him come out and
warm up once in a while.  Best thing is there is nothing to clean up...
except my ferret's fascination with having to relieve themselves in the
snow.  Even that is easy though... Just scoop out the yellow snow. ;-)
Even my "princess" ferret who doesn't normally rough house turns into
"snow queen of the mountain" and "attacks" everyone who comes in the
bathtub.  I hope other people's ferrets will have as much fun as mine
and since half of the US is covered in snow it is a perfect time to
find out.
Lake Zurich, IL
[Posted in FML issue 4768]