It's been several weeks now, and Bubbles is doing pretty good.  She still
isn't very big, and she has only gained about 3 oz's total, but she's
alive, and that's got to count for something.  The great news is, I did
the Avecon ADV test and it came back negative.  Thank God, woo hoo, doing
the happy dance all over the place!  I still have to test the others, but
it will have to wait for the weekend.  That way I can be sure they are
all without food for at least an hour.  I don't want to leave them
without food all day long during the week, so we will do them on
Saturday.  That way I can take the food away over night, and test them
in the morning, before they have a chance for breakfast.  If any single
ferret comes up positive I will do the blood tests on all of them.
[Posted in FML issue 4768]