Dear Ferret Folks-
Well, something exciting happened.  Switch and Lily got a package in
the mail!  A big brown box.  I opened it, and found lots of paper, and
cornstarch packing peanuts.  But wrapped up in one wad of paper, was
something wonderful....It was a hedgehog.  Not a living, breathing one
like France, the Fricken Pigmy Hedgehog, but a beautiful small sculptured
one with a little well in its back for a candle.
I gave the box and all the packaging to Switch and Lily, who wish
to extend their heartfelt thanks to Carol Owens of Arizona for her
thoughtful gift.  (As do I!) They love that box.  They curl up in it,
they drag it all around.  The peanuts are all over the place.
The Hog sculpture?  Too fine for candles.  I use it as a food dish for
France, who absolutely despises it, as she despises everything in the
known universe.  Every time I put it down for her, she quivers all over
like a hate-potato of rage, and shakes her eye-spines at it.  Then she
sloooooly raises her eye spines, her little white face appears, and the
tiny black nose sniffs at the food.  Then, of course, she says, "I 'ate
youuu, youuu aff no culture...."and begins to eat.
Thank you so much, Carol!
Alexandra in MA
[Posted in FML issue 4764]