Hi everyone,
I'd like to start off with a big thanks to everyone who contributes to
this list, while Lestat and I don't post much, we've gained a lot of
valuable information from it.
I need some help here.  Lestat is my most beloved stinky.  He's always
the first one up from the cage to see what mom has for him or to come
play.  Within the last few weeks I've switched foods for all the kids.
While they seem to eat it slower, they're eating regularly and there
haven't been any problems.  The last week or so, however, Lestat has lost
a good amount of weight.  He's really lethargic and just looks pooped.
I'm not positive of his age, I happen to be a ferret mom who was adopted
by 2 wonderful orphans.  I've had him for about 4 years so I'm guessing
it could be anywhere from 4-6 years.  He needs to go to a vet, but I'm
not one hundred percent confident in him as a ferret specialist.  Other
than not eating, and being lethargic he sounds a bit wheezy but not in
his chest more in his throat.  Any ideas on what could be going on?  Or
how I can make him feel better until we find a more experienced fert doc?
Any help would be greatly appreciated...
Lestat and his worried mom Veronica
[Posted in FML issue 4761]