Well mum tolds me we are not going to call me a cub reporter no more, she
says I has been doing this news letter all by myself since Mr. Bones left
to go help that Master Largo dude do the news up there on the Rainbow
Bridge.  She says this is a new year we are going to start out new with
me being the Senior Ferret Farm Reporter.  So if any of you out there
know of something I should be doing and I am not; you just drop me a line
I will take care of that in a little ferret heart beat.  There has been
lots and lots going on here at the shelter this past month.  Like I told
you in last months news there have been presents coming in almost every
day, mum keeps mumbling under her breath that Christmas is over NO MORE
presents!  Hee hee but I knows she is just kidding she likes to talk big
and tuff but I know she has a soft heart and is pleased that so many
humans go so far out of their way to make us fur kids happy.  Mum calls
us blessed!  Anyone out there know what she is talking about?  Mum got an
extra day of vacation from the big yellow thing she drives; she calls it
a school bus.  It was freezing rain here on Thursday before Christmas so
mum got a call telling her there was NO school.  Mum was doing the weasel
dance.  She looks pretty silly when she does that.  For as long as we has
been teaching her she still don't get it right.  I wonder if she had 4
legs and fur if she would be better at it.  There have been campers here
at ferret camp all vacation and before.  We had the Barron kids for a few
days, Atwell kids, Deutsch kids, Ford kid, Olsen kids, Robinson kids (mom
and dad that drive the ambolince without lights and sirens) then there is
that little Houdini that got out on mum last summer and had an adventure
"Miss Dak", Mum was having night mares about her coming back to camp.
She tolds Dak's dad that if he did not get a letter from camp that means
Dak went on another adventure, so mum runed away from home.  Oh yeah the
Greenberg kids are still here too.  Mum is working on your questions Mr.
Dave... We have the Powers kids coming in next week.
Well Sandy got to go to a new 4-ever home on Christmas Eve.  Now mum
don't make a practice to adopt kids on Christmas but Mum already knowed
the humans that Sandy fell in love with so mum made an exception.  Sandy
went to live with Mr. Dale and Miss Linda.  They is Shelter friends.
Sandy is so happy to be in her new home.  Mr. Dale sends mum pictures of
that Sandy girl sleeping in Mr. Dale's lap.  They was meant for each
Mum gots a report from everyone that has gone to a new 4-home EXCEPT that
2 legged furless Andy!!!  Mum tried to get him to answer her emails, Miss
Cathy and Miss Donna tried to get him to let them come see the fur kids,
he would not return calls, he would not talk to mum about the kids, he
was rude and nasty to Miss Cathy; so mum had to tell him he had to reach
her or she was going to get the authorities involved.  He finally called
mum.  He was not very nice to our mum.  Anyway he told mum to come get
the fur kids; he did not want them anymore.  So Miss Donna and Miss Cathy
went to that Andy's house to pick up the 3 kids for mum.  Mum had Miss
Dak coming to camp so she could not go get them herself.  Mum had the
authorities all lined up if she needed them but Andy did finally let mum
know how the kids were.  They is skinny, but mum says she will fatten
them up in no time get them back on the ferret food they should be
eating.  Mum is feeding them soup too.  So Stewart; Peanut; and Butter
are back at the shelter.  Mum thinks that Andy kid got a girl friend that
did not like ferrets that is why he sent them back.  Mum knowed the Andy
human loved them.  He spent too much time here at the shelter learning
and helping before he took them home to his house to not love them.
Cindi, Jessica and Jake came to help at the shelter, Jessica (a small
person) set up a donation box at her house for people to donate to our
shelter, she brought us money to help mum buy us food.  Thanks Jessica
for being a good shelter friend.  We sure do love food!  Mum calls us
Piglets.  Mr. Dale found out how much we eat; he was here mixing food for
mum and as fast as he filled the 5 gal pail Miss Cindi emptied it filling
the containers mum keeps in all our play rooms.  The pail got empty real
fast.  Mr. Dale just stood there and shook his head.  8-) One cool thing
happened that day; Dak's dad; got to meet some of the people that helped
mum when Dak went on her adventure last summer.  Mr. Ed is a real good
egg about that Dak kid climbing out a second story window.
Miss Donna has not had enough of our abuse (us moving the clean poop
papers as soon as she gets them down).  She keeps coming down to help
mum, and then when mum needs her to check on kids or pick up kids Miss
Donna is right there.  Miss Cathy has been hanging out with Miss Donna
when mum needs them to.  Well mum says this is long enough..  But there
is one more very very important thing I needs to tell you.  There is
just 12 weeks before the registration is closed for International Ferret
Congress 2005 Ferret Symposium.  You need to the site and get your
registration in; Mum wants to meet you all in St.  Louis so go check
this link out http://ferretcongress.org .  Get signed up so you can be
there too.
Okay that's all till next month
Ferret Farm Reporter
Shelter e-Bay Store
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International Ferret Congress
Vendor Coordinator
[Posted in FML issue 4745]