I just wanted to repond to
>Jules, `DOMESTIC ANIMALS`,...do you know what they are??  ..Dogs, Cats,
>& FERRETS!!  #3 on the ole domestic `most popular` list!  Rabbits are a
>legally hunted WILD animal, not domestic.
A domestic animal is : converted or adapted to domestic use/work through
captive breeding.  I think people are having trouble pin pointing WHY it
bothers them or not if Ebay sells ferret skulls etc.  So, for example,
based on the definition a cow is a domestic animal.  And since lots of
people eat them (including myself) I doubt many would flinch at a cow
skull, hide, or leather on Ebay.
Furthermore, not ALL rabbits are "wild" so to speak.  And most of the
rabbit pelts are from domesticated rabbits.  The ARBA recognized 45
or so breeds of rabbits (though it changes as new breeds work toward
recognition like the Lionhead).  These rabbits were breed in captivity
for certain qualities like a large size for consumption, lop ears, docile
personality, long coats for spinning, plush coats for furs etc.  Some of
the rabbits like a Florida white are breed as fur, food, and pets.  Also,
are you aware that there are breeds of rabbits that are breed ONLY for
the purpose of being a pet?  For example, the American Fuzzy lop is too
small to bother to breed for food, the wool to short for sponning, and
the cottony texture undesirable for fur.  They were bred to be tiny
fluffy lop cuties to love.
It is even hard to say what a "pet" is as some people have undomesticated
animals as pets.  But even if you were to say "domesticated pets",
rabbits fit in as pets, as well as, just domesticated and purely "wild"
animals.  It is true that ferrets are ONLY domesticated except for their
relatives the black footed ferret and polecats.  Sadly you can't even say
an animal domesticated for the only use as a pet (basically dogs and cats
though some do "work" etc.  but typically not breed for food or fur!)
Ferrets like minks can be used for their furs.  So you can imagine how
difficult it is to decide what to ban.
For example I am upset by the slaughtering of rex rabbits for their fur
hides.  They make wonderful companion animals and that is how I view them
as I grew up with rabbits as pets.  But others who buy gloves with rabbit
fur lining would not feel the same and would like to be able to buy
rabbit fur products off Ebay.  This doesn't mean I am angry at Ebay and
feel they need to ban fur- because how far will it go---leather?  (And I
do not mind leather personally) It is the companies that breed and skin
the rabbits that bother me and I choose not to support.
Everyone is entitled by their own opinion and so is Ebay.
~Kathryn~ (Fuzzbutts Charlie, Andy, and Mindy)
[Posted in FML issue 4759]