My little guy got diagnosed with lymphoma.  His neck glands are swollen,
his spleen and his x-rays showed a growth in his belly They were not able
to get cancer cells from the needle biopsy in his neck only fat cells.
I didn't want them to do a needle biopsy in his spleen.  His vet first
said 99% sure of lymphomia and with the x-rays, ultrasound, blood work
and high rate of ferrets getting lymphomia, then she said 100%.  I didn't
want more tests, he was tramatized too much.  I have him home and on
prednasalone.  He is doing well.  His neck glands and belly are still
swollen.  But he sleps and eats and pops and cuddles.  The only thing I
did differently then what the vet recommended is I give him his dose
split into twice a day instead of one big dose, once a day.  am I doing
him a disservice?  would once a day be better?  I was just reading
someone elses post and I wonder if I am doing the right thing?  Any
comments would help.
Thanks in advance.
Lorraine and Alex
[Posted in FML issue 4759]