Someone called Tuesday to ask me to take a homeless ferret found
wandering in her driveway.  This woman said she knows nothing about
ferrets and would like to find a home for it and I am financially unable
to take another one at this time.  She also said that she knew the ferret
had belonged to her next door neighbor who supposedly had 30 or so
ferrets.  According to this caller, it seems the neighbor just let all
the ferrets go outside one day last week.  I asked if animal control had
been called and they were but did not even want so show up to investigate
the horrible situation.  I believe, but am not positive, that it might
have been Prince William County Animal Control.
This is truly heartbreaking and this little guy needs a good home.  He
was covered with fleas so you can imagine what the conditions were in the
house where he was kept.  The fleas are now under control and I asked the
woman if she could get a physical exam for the ferret to determine his
condition.  She is suppose to call me back today.  Meanwhile, if anyone
in N. Virginia would be willing to help this ferret, you can contact me
Bless you all.
[Posted in FML issue 4756]