Dear FML Friends,
Gigio has had what it looks like a sebaceous cell tumor right between
his eye and ear for almost two years, the little "wart" has doubled its
size since I first noticed it, and Gigio breaks his skin scratiching it
at least once every 1-2 months, so I decided to have it removed.
It was not easy to find a vet that would treat ferrets, then it was
more difficult to find one that would use isoflurane as anaesthetic,
but finally one accepted to use gas instead of intravenous anaesthetic.
The size of the tumor is like the diameter of his eye, is not so big
actually, so I trust that it is going to be an easy procedure.  He also
has other tumor on his side, this one looks more like a mast cell tumor
(he already had one of this removed 2 years ago from his neck), I
wouldn't have send him to surgery for this one, as the size has not
changed in the same time that the other one has doubled size, but now
that he is going to be under anaesthesia the vet will take out both
tumors and also will do teeth cleaning.
Nevertheless, Gigio is almost 6 years old and you know there is always
a risk for being under anaesthesia, so I am naturally a bit nervous.  I
ask you to keep him in your thoughts this tuesday around noon
I bought for Gigio the melatek implants to give him some protection
against adrenals (his last Tenneessee Panel came back in the range of a
healthy ferret and I want to keep him that way), my package was stopped
at customs and it took us several days to release it.  Now that I just
get it, I would like to have it applied to Gigio while he will be under
sedation, but I don't know if it will be OK for his body to get the
implant after/during the surgery of the tumor or if I should wait a week
or so after the surgery.  Do you have any suggestions about this?  (This
is the first time I will put the melatonin implant in Gigio and I don't
know if he is going to be more sleepy the first days while he gets used,
and I wouldn't like to confuse the melatonin effect with any possible
collateral effec t of the surgical procedure, this is my worry).
Thank you for your support, and kisses to all your fuzzies for me and
good wishes for the sick ones.
[Posted in FML issue 4754]