>From:    Jessica Morton <[log in to unmask]>
>I am wondering if there are any D.C.  area residents who can tell me
>what ferret vet(s) they use, as well as supply me with any kind of
>"city living" tips for W/DC, or the surrounding states.
I live in Northern Va.  I do believe that ferrets are illegal in the
District of Columbia, so you might want to be looking for housing in Va
or in DC.  Once you get an area figured out, let us know and we can help
you find good vets.
A good local ferret board to join is http://www.rockysferrets.com/ .
This is for Rocky's Ferret Shelter and Rescue located near Baltimore MD.
There is a link to a message board that you can join that has members
from all over the tri-state areas, DC and beyond.
Lynn-a volunteer for Rocky's :)
[Posted in FML issue 4754]