>...I'm curious about other experience with such chordoma's.  Are they
>painful?  is it a painful recovery?
I have had several amputated.  At first the lumps are not so large,
something you think you can handle, it grows and grows til finally it
is a big ole knot.  This is stretching the skin just as you do when you
retain water, it is very uncomfortable.  Bumping it does seem to bother
them.  If it is allowed to grow, the bigger chance it turns cancerous
entering the bone and the bone marrow and from there you have a bleeder.
Three amputations ago, within 2 weeks, the tail would not heal, blood
began to come from the gums, then her little twat, then here and there
under her skin, then the eyes and we finally had to let her go.  She
could not produce the clotting agent.  It was just horrible.  I suggest
getting it amputated as soon as the vet recommends it.  AND there is
nothing cuter than a little stubtailed ferret - unless it is one in the
tubes wagging its tail.  As for pain in recovery, don't see a problem.
They are put under, they do have 2 or 3 stitches, but, they are them
olds self within a day or two.
Millie and her Exploding Drinking it up Cleaningcrew
Ferret Lovers Club of Texas
[Posted in FML issue 4745]