Hi all dis is SaraFerret at de Rainbow Bwidge.  Well I has a request
from Mommy Crystal to check on her fuzzie Phoenix who sadly met his
passage to the Rainbow Bwidge via a recliner.  Wowsie, my Mommy was
so carefuls after she read tat about ferret kids getting dere end via
recliners.  Now if the furs are out, recliners are not operated.  But
anyways on to business.
I tink I know Phoenix from de tube races and snow skiing--he is such
a fun guy and just radiates sparkles and lights.  I found him at de
beginning of de tube and since he was going down tail first and me heads
first, we had a short chart.  I tells him dat his Mommy Cristal blames
herself somting terrible over his end.  Ya know de horrible recliner--and
den we hit bottom on de sand.  I gwabs him and says I has to get my work
done.  So he tells me he doesnt blame Mommy at alls, she has no ways of
knowing de vicious recliner twicks.  Also he knows dat Mommy grieves over
him somting terrible, but not to do so.  And no blaming or feeling guilty
either.  Tings happens.  He says he will send Mommy a piece of his furs
to let her know he is ok.  And rights away snips off a tiny piece and den
we go to de big reflecting pool that is the view of his mommy's home and
tilts it and lets it go toward his former home--We figures by de time she
gets it it will be a snowflake.  I hopes dat Mommy Crystal will gets de
snowflake or hairs.
I so enoyed visiting a bit wit Phoenix but I has to be off for ferret
choir angel practice.  Who would have ever thought that SaraFerret could
be one of de ferret choir angels.  I invites him to come along, but he
says he does do singing.  So off we wents in our separate directions.
Love and dooks
Ms SaraFerret
[Posted in FML issue 4753]