Let me say that the beginning of this year has NOT been nice to me.  I
know,it will get better tho.And I've had some wonderful friends who have
helped to *pick* me back up.
With the hours I work & the shelter,I really don't have time for a lot of
boards or much of anything.But I do try to keep up with this one.
On 1/01,I get Snoball out of his cage to eat the soup.I give it to all my
kids daily,even if they don't need it.Well,Snoball was fine when he was
put back into the cage on the night before.A single level with hammies 3
inches off the cage floor.He was with Dawson.The next morn,he can't use
his hind legs.H e is only 16 months old.No emergency vets available.So,
on 1/02 we saw one of our vets who said she believed he had a broken
back.But being a Sunday,no staff to help do anything.Got pain meds &
she'd call Auburn for me.
Ok,going home on the van I just put $500 into,the hood blows up & into
the windshield shattering it in on us.
Sunday afternoon,I get in 4.One at deaths doors.He should weight about
4 #'s from his body structure but is less than 1#.He's still a sick boy
of 8 yrs.
Monday morning,I'm on my way to the vets for x-rays of Snoball.Some big
new Ford truck hits us head on,on the right side of my old car.Old man is
82,on oyxgen & a walker,shouldn't be driving.He missed the brake peddle &
hit the gas.So,after paperwork with cops is done,we get x-rays.Vet says a
herninated disk,more meds & calls to Auburn.In the meantime,Snoball was
going down.So,he was helped to the Bridge.
And some really wonderful friends have been there for me.Some that know
of the medical problems I now am facing.FL,you are awesome.I love you
dearly.Thank You so much for the phone call.I did our chat all night.
And some other folkes offered me a car.They themselves are a shelter &
can use it,but they offered it to me.Some people have hearts bigger than
they are.
Have a wonderful day,
Heaven Scent Ferret Rescue/Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 4752]