Hi all, dis is SaraFerret.  Today I is dressed in my old outfit of pink
pith helmet and khaki short and shirt.  Ya all remember when Sandee
designed this for me.  The pink helmet was given to me by a handsome DEW
who fancied my beige one and he twaded wit me.  I look muchs better in
Well on do business.  I knows, I knows, I is getting behinds, but I have
been tube racing and mud-stomping and pouncing practice plus war dance
Well Mommy Jennifer asks me If I could find her two Afghan hounds, Cleo
and Lovey plus her guinea pig.  I really dont do dogs well but Sandee
says I gots to do it, so I had to check de Boss's big book and find dese
kids.  Okay I found all of dem--first I have to go to de dogs side and
den to de guinea pig side.  So Is straps on my pink fluorescent wings (my
am I getting style conscious) and offs I went to de dogs place.  At de
pwace I was met by dis big Shepherd who wondered why I was dere.  I says
I has a request to checks on two Afghans from de ferret list.  So he asks
me dere names and den we fwew off to dere digs.
Oh wowsie, dose Afghans do fixes dere places nice--sort of like an
oriental palace.  I met up wit dem and told dem dat dere Mommy Jennifer
had sent a message to me to check on her kids.  They gots teary-eyed and
says dey watches dere Mommy everyday from de reflecting pool.  Dey tells
me to send a message dat dey are doing great and dat would you believe
dey have a guinea pig living dere.  I didnt get to meet him as he was out
frolicking wit de others of his kind.  Is dat your guinea pig?  I asks
dem if dat was de guinea dat had been at Mommy's house and dey said of
Dey are really enjoying demselves and loves it dere--who wouldnt?  Dey
sends loves and kisses in a message to Mommy and dey said dat dey would
tell Guinea dat Mommy was asks about him.  I really didnt want to hang
around too much over dere as I felt like I was pushing my luck, but dey
fwew wit me to de passage way and off I went towards home.
Oh well, dats my job to check on all de Boss's kids.
Hugs and dooks
[Posted in FML issue 4752]