I just read with tears in my eyes the beautiful story of Bubonis.  My
heart goes out to her Mom,for I know the pain she is experiencing.
Grieving for our little ones is so important, and the wonderful tribute
she made for her little girl is a step in healing.  Bubonis was such a
special girl to her.
I will not advise her to get another baby, I know that is the last thing
she wants, but I hope she stays with the FML so she can read and possibly
help others who might not be able to cope with the grief.  They do tear
your heart out when they go, because they need and love us so much.
Without help from a ferret community and the FML I feel I would have
never recovered from my first ferret's crossing, but I did and have a
happy home now full of more babies.  I also never wanted another,
thinking I could not take it anymore, but these little ones found their
way to me and I couldn't say no, because after all they needed me to love
and care for them.
I sincerely hope that Bubonis memory will not make you turn away from
the loving and care if another little one does find it's way to you.  I'm
so sorry for your loss and hope that the memories of happy times together
stay in you heart always.  Bubonis was beautiful as well as special.
[Posted in FML issue 4752]