>I was contacted by a couple who wanted to adopt one of our fosters.
>When I inquired about their ferret knowledge, I was informed that the
>gentleman did because he was a native Argentinean (from Mendosa) where
>"ferrets live in the wild."  He said that ferrets are called "hurones"
>there & that they grow to 15 lbs.  Also that they're popular pets, but
>nobody buys them.  They gave me the following web pages, but I can't
>read them.
That's interesting...when we were in the Dominican Republic last year,
we thought we saw a mink or otter run across the road, and they told us
they call it a "hurone".  I tried looking for it on the internet to see
what exactly it was, and couldn't find anything.  I wonder if they're
the same...
[Posted in FML issue 4752]