I'm home from visiting my mom for the holidays.  It was a wonderful
Christmas and New Years this year, not only being with my mom, but also
with all my own kids.  Now that the girls are gone and on their own, it
is very hard for all of us to get together, so having everyone under one
roof was special.  After Elizabeth left for home, I decided my mom would
like a special holiday gift, so on the spur of the moment I dropped
everything and flew to California.  Ok, maybe the gift was for me.  Hey,
each day is special and has to be treasured, right?  The weather made
returning on stand-by somewhat of an adventure, but well worth it.
I'll continue with the domestication series either tonight or tomorrow.
Thanks for the cards, letters, emails, and gifts; each one of you will
get a note in the next day or so.
Bob C : [log in to unmask]
"Sredni Vashtar went forth, His thoughts were red thoughts and his teeth
were white.  His enemies called for peace, but he brought them death.
Sredni Vashtar the Beautiful."
--1927 The Chronicles of Clovis, H. H. Munro.
[Posted in FML issue 4751]