SaraFerret had a very short nap, knowing she had to get to work.  No
messing around too, no sir.  All business.  Yeah right cant you imagine
me being business (giggle)
First of all I trots over to de Boss's big book where He keeps all de
names and addresses of those who enter thru de Rainbow Bwidge.  (reminds
herself dat she has to really really start working again on that lisp)
Opens de book and dere is de Closet of Thieves.  Whats this--no names
are dere--oopsey.
But I gets de address and goes off in de general way of dere house or
pad.  I check my little map and discover dat I will have to fwy no trot
today-too far out.  I gets dere hopefully but dere are lots of berry
bushes and grapevines hanging around it--I yells out-Hi dis is
SaraFerret-is dis de Rainbow Closet of Thieves?
Yep on squeaky little girl voice answers.  So I get throu de vines and
goes inside--real dark in dere.  Did I wake you?  Nah, she says-we always
keep it dark-dat way we keep our beautiful fur (yep true story-ferrets
are vain about dere fur--that's another secret that I just blabbed
Is dere a Niko here?  Sure is he said.
Okay your mommy was wondering how you were doing and if you had met up
wit your Closet of Thieves.
Hey I loves it here-my own hammy unless I have a sleepover--in that case
we just go back to 6 ferrets sleeping on the smallest hammy we can find
and laughs.
He started showing me around what he calls a pad-these young hip ferrets
speak a different language.  Wowsie this is one biiiig place.  Hammies
and skateboards, skis, (skis?), snowboards?, and windsurfer stuff.  Are
you guys beach bunnies--not exactly according to him just surfing
furries.  Well your Mommy says she sees a start everynight in the sky
and she wants to know if that is you.
You got it--thats me.
Well your Mommy says she misses you so much--a tear falls discreetly (I
found a dictionary) from de corner of his eye.
I misses her also, but everyday I go to de big mirror where we can see
and hear what our earth parents are doing, but we just cant quite hear
them.  Tells her I loves her big bunches.
Oh and your Mom says she misses her closet of thieves.  She can find all
her white socks now.
Well this closet just snickered about de socks--she cant find dem all as
we brought about 40 wit us in our secret backpacks.
Den dey asks me if I would like to join dem at de tube races.  Hey great
idea and offs we went.  Tubes and all dat--wowsie was I tired when I got
home-jes hop into bed witout brushing my tail, teeth and not a bath.
Just plain tired.
Take care and dooks from de Rainbow Bwidge
[Posted in FML issue 4749]