Hearing ferret feets on the Bridge, Mully made himself ready to greet
another newcommer.  A little boy ferret by the name of Sam stepped off
the Bridge in the warm inviting sunlight.  Steping forward extending his
nose in greeting Muldoone welcomes the new arrival.  "Hi I be Mr.
Muldoone, officialist Wainbow Bwidge Gweeter.
Dis be da Wainbow Bwidge the new arrival asks.  Yes replies Mully dis is
dat specialust pwace our hooman-beans tells us 'bout.
Sam looked around taking in the sightes of the lush green grass, the warm
reflecting glow of the rainbow glinting in the sunlight, he saw the many
different paths leading away from the Bridge and he made a mental note to
check them out one by one.
Looking up into the warm friendly face of Muldoone, Sam began to tell
Muldoone about himself, I be sick for a whiles, my mom takes me to see da
doc and he gibes me an ouchie on my tummy but I not feel gud ebber since
dat day I gots da tummy ouchie.  My mom be a gud mom Sammy went on to
explain, she twies to helps me get bettur but I not get bettur.
How dooes you feel now Muldoone asks the new arrival.
I feels gud he says with a big smile and da wide obber on da moom beams
be wotts of fun."
"Mr. Muldoone dere be be someone here I wikes to finds and da name be
Cinnamon Sammy tells Mully, my mom says dat you helps me find my bestest
Sur, we can finds your specialust fwiend, I hears dat dey be doing a
pardy for you.
Weally Sam asks Mully to which Mully replies you betcha, wets go finds
dat party and hab some fun."
The two ferrets arrive at the party and a great reunion was had by Sammy
and Cinnamon.  The two ferrets hugged and laughed and wrestled until they
were both pooped out.  Cinnamon had many questions about how things were
back home and Sammy filled him in on everything.  Mully was very
surprised when he was asked to stay for the party and even more surprised
when he was made an honorary member of the Crew of Merry Mayhem.
[Posted in FML issue 4749]