SaraFerret, would you check in on my girls and make sure that they're
doing okay?  I really miss them, especially around this time of year.
Fiona and Morag were my first two girls; they were adopted together after
being rescued from bad people.  Fiona is a delicate little sterling
silver who has just a few scattered black guard hairs and a light grey
mask in the winter.  She's unusual in that, unlike most light-colored
ferrets, she has a black nose (hence the nickname "Polar Ferret").  Here
on Earth, she lost about half of her tail to the abuse she suffered, but
she never seemed to mind, as her Dad & I thought that her little puff
tail was so cute.  She's shyer than her sister, Morag, who is a basic
sable with a feisty attitude.  Morag protected Fiona, and it was Morag
who finally made the decision that Forever Mom & Dad were all right.
Morag was always willing to give kisses, and equally willing to give
people love nips, just to remind you that she could.  (Say, SaraFerret,
I think that you and Morag might get along really well!)
Garfunkel is a grumpy little old badger lady who never really got along
with the other ferrets, but again, she was rescued from people who hurt
her, and I think that had a lot to do with her temper.  She was always
happy to play with us humans, though, loved her 'Tone and the fleece
blankie that I bought for her (couldn't have a little old lady getting
chilly), and I'm sorry that she had so little time in her forever home.
Jasmine came to the Bridge just over a year ago; she's another silver,
but darker than Fiona, with strong markings, a pink nose, and the longest
tail I've ever seen - with a little ermine-like black point on the end.
Since I know that there are probably a lot of Jasmines up there, she also
answers to "All That Jazz".  Her most distinguishing characteristic is
that she never, ever walks anywhere - she *dances*.  Not wardancing, just
a sleek little full-body prance.  If she were a hoomin, she'd be in every
single Bob Fosse production that was staged.
The girls might be hanging out with Charlie, a tellow tabby kitty boy
who's missing his right hind leg, and Victor, a dog who was a cross - we
think - between a long-haired black Shepherd and a Cardigan Welsh Corgie.
Dark, long coat, heavy bones, long and low to the ground.  He's obviously
very distinctive, and impossible to miss.  Charlie and Victor were best
buddies down here, and I wouldn't imagine that anything's changed.  The
Boss might have had some problems getting them to the right places, since
Victor thought he was a hoomin, and Charlie thought that he was ...well,
whatever Victor was.  Victor and Charlie also liked fuzzies of other
types, so it would make sense that they found the Girls' Club.  Plese
remind all of them (but especialy Charlie and Victor) that I *will* be
getting a full report on their behaviour, and I stil love them all very
much, and think about them every day.
Oh, and tell Fiona that Dylan-Kitty the Cowardly Lion still hasn't
forgotten her habit of backing his 22-pound butt into a corner, nor the
indignity of the fact that it was a barely-1-pound ferret doing the
Thanks, SaraFerret!
love, Becca
Human Mom to furkids:
~Panther-Kitty  ("Just ignore the weasels; I always do.")
~Dylan-Kitty  ("What's this pile of ferret food doing out here on the
~Sinead the Brat   ("My trap is baited... closer, kitty... closer...
 just a little closer")
~Maggie-Dog  ("I loooove you, Food Lady - when's dinner gonna be ready?")
Missing those already at the Bridge:
~Victor the Wonder Dog (wonder what he is?)
~Charlie the Tripod, Man of Few Words
~Morag Mustelid Morrigu
~Fiona Ferret Fittipaldi (look at her go!)
~Garfunkel, Miss Curmudgeon emeritus
~Jasmine Dancer Ferret Fosse aka "All That Jazz"
[Posted in FML issue 4748]