This is Susie Lee at the Ferret And Dove Sanctuary, Inc. and I will have
extra-special "Thank You's" going out to D. Tropp, Dianne Sauter and
Rose German for the deliveries which the Sanctuary recieved just today
of (what turned out to be...when we opened the packages, they "pouffed!"
out, they were so filled with Fluffy , soft and springy material!) some
of the softest, FLUFF-Er-IEST, most comfy sleep sacks and hammies for
tired and elderly ferrets and for busy-fyed middle-aged and even
young-tough ferrets who pretend they'd rather "rough it", well sometimes,
until they're sure no-one's looking!
Now we surely have enough new hammies and sleep sacks to keep everyone's
rotated and also keep every little soul in super-comfort every resting
moment they're with us all, on this side of the Great Veil.  Just knowing
we're now able to render the best comfort human hands can create to each
and every ferret ALL the time is a great comfort to us, their
Thank you, each and all, for the sakes of the fuzzies.
[Posted in FML issue 4747]