It has been a very busy year both personally and professionally for me.
On the Shelter side we have seen 125 come in and 98 find homes.  We've
had major surgery on more than 30 and minor on 7.  We don't speak of
those who crossed the bridge as to us they really haven't passed -- we
will meet them again one day.
As for Ferret Friends Disaster Response.  This has been our busiest year
since 1992.  We responded to 4 hurricanes and one man made disaster the
"29" in Canada.  Unfortunately I was the "disaster recipient" for two of
the Hurricanes.
It is SSSOOO time to thank you all.
For helping us through the hard times this year and keeping Larry and I
and the Ferrets, Bird and dogs from going absolutely crazy after being
hit by Two "Major" Hurricanes (Frances and Jean) within 3 weeks of each
Without each and every one of you, neither the Ferret Friends of Indian
River County nor Ferret Friends Disaster Response would continue to
It is you who are Ferret Friends Disaster Response, it was you (not me)
that sent such dreadfully needed supplies and money to the animals effect
by Hurricanes: Charlie, Frances, Ivan, and Jeanne.  It was each of you
who provided the things that were sent to Canada for the "29."  All I
did was collect, distribute, coordinate, deliver, or express mail (in
the case of the Canadian "29") .
Having myself and the shelter as recipients of your kindness -- there
are no words that can express my gratitude.
I learned several important lesson this year:
I have more people who care about Larry and I and the Shelter and the
kids then I knew existed.
We can live without phones or electricity.
The animals are #1 no matter WHAT!
We are happy to be alive and have a roof over our heads.
You can't do it alone.
Finally I must single out the fantastic lady that keep communication
going and you guys informed.  Plus she had me running here and there
to check on storm damaged homes.  Please everyone give her a Hand
Thank you ANN AKA Duck Lite
May your Christmas and the coming year be all you wish?  All of the Fur,
Feather Scales, Shells and hoof kids be healthy and have someone to love.
Finally, even though you might not hear from us all that frequently "WE"
are still here because "YOU" are here.
Chere McCoy
Ferret Friends of Indian River County
Director Ferret Friends Disaster Response
[Posted in FML issue 4737]