Master Largo's News
Cub Reporter Andy
Pssst Pssst did you know it is Christmas-time?  I am so excited because
mum says Santa is going to come to our house.  Do you know when I lived
at the poopy humans house Santa never did come.  I know my mum is telling
me the truth because there are boxes and boxes coming in every single day
for the Giving tree kids.  Mum says I am not on the giving tree but I
will have a Christmas too.  Aunt Ret and Bandits far away mom camed over
last weekend with lots of presents for kids that are not on the giving
tree, they brought so much stuffs that mum says we will all get to use
the new bedding and things.  That was Saturday then Miss Nichole came
over on Sunday and she brought presents for 1 giving tree kid and some
presents for 2 other shelter kids that is NOT on the giving tree (Nichole
wants them for her own).  Mum says that we are blessed because we have
so many humans that help her take care of us and buy us presents.  Even
Pinky that AKA little Princess got a birthday present from Miss Becky.
She sent Pinky lectric money for her 3rd birthday.  Now how special is
that?  The new shelter friend Anna camed today to help...she brought
her fur kids to play in the play rooms, she is getting them to know
mum because they will be coming to camp for Christmas.  wow she brought
us some noisy things for the ceiling that mum calls smoke detectors so
between the ones that Kaleigh and Peter got us and the ones Donna sent us
mum has all the portent places covered with them noise makers.  Mum says
they are very portent items to have in our shelter that way if there is
a fire mum should know about it soon enough to get us ALL out!  But mum
says with the smoke detectors and the fire sacks we have there is not
going to be a fire here.  She also says from her mouth to God's ears.
Miss Nichole camed again today, she cut carpet for cages so lots of us
got new carpet in our cages.  Miss Donna came to help and she and mum put
stinky stuffs on us to get rid of fleas.  Ziggy was rushed to hospital;
Kaleigh brought her home, she is all better now, back to her old get into
trouble self..
Miss Anna came to helped mum pull cages from walls to clean out the
messes we make, Miss Stacie came, she hooked up mums new walk about
phone, mum wears that funny looking thing on her head all the time now!
Geeesch she looks funny in that.  Mum had Turkey day with her two legged
furless kid the cop, she left and forgot her purse/camera at her sister's
house.  Mum was planning on doing e-Bay stuff but couldn't because she
did not have her camera.  She finally got it back the following Tuesday.
Mr. Dale brought mum her new/used computer all fixed for in the store.
Thanks Mr. Dale.
Mum sent Christmas presents to the adopted shelter kids, not a lot but
just to say she is glad they have a new home with humans that love them.
Miss Donna has been coming in to help mum keep up.  She gets mum all
fixed and caught up, mum stays that way until we get people in to see
what is going on and bring presents then mum gets behind because she does
not get to do the things she does when there is no one here.  But that is
okay we like people to come see us and play with us.  Mum says she will
work harder to keep up when we have people to come in.  We have new long
term boarders here, and lots of short term Vacation boarders here at camp
for Christmas.  Miss Lynn and Mr. Ross are back on line.  They is the
ones that helped pay for the rest of the generator we needed.  They live
in Washington State now NOT Alaska.  That Andy human will not let mum and
the shelter help see the fur kids he adopted; she may have to get the
Policeman involved to make sure the fur kids are okay.  She is writing
him a letter first to tell him he needs to let mum know the kids are
okay.  Little Tera got herself stuck in a wire shelf, mum had to cut her
out, Tera was okay but she sure put lots of holes in mums hand while mum
was trying to get her unstuck., mum said Tera you have to let me go if
you want me to get you out... BUT Tera did not listen.  Mum's hand is a
mess, but she says that is okay Tera is alright that is what matters.
Mum said she knows we owes lots of you thank you notes, she is working
on them please know we appreciate you all and thank you for everything.
Your thank you will be in your hands soon.  Well Mum says this needs to
be short because everyone is very very busy getting ready for Santa...
so I will say so long till next month.
Shelter e-Bay Store
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International Ferret Congress
Vendor Coordinator
Be A Santa At The Giving Trees
ADV Tree
[Posted in FML issue 4735]