Hi Everybody!!
I hope all your ferts are enjoying terrorizing the Christmas tree!
I just tried to e-mail a fellow FMLer and the e-mail bounced back.  Does
anyone have a current e-mail or phone number for Emily Born.  The last
addy I had for her was [log in to unmask] .  I met her in Germany
last year.  The last e-mail I could find from her was in April.  I
usually discard my emails so I was lucky to find that one.  Please let
me know if you have her address.  BIG if she no longer subscribes would
you know off hand?  [I would know, but I wouldn't say :-(  BIG]
Ferret Fun- I decided to cut some polar fleece blankets for my brats.
So in one big plastic bag I had 8 blankets cut and folded.  I threw the
bag with the blankets down on the floor so they could scout out the new
stuff.  I took the outer bag and tossed that on the floor also as I know
my crew just LOVES an empty plastic sack to wrestle around in.  I never
saw ferrets jump so high and chatter at the site of those two bags.  Dig
dig dig on the blanket bag then race back and dart into the empty bag.
Then wait to see if there were any joy killers around.  (other wise known
as mom).  Then back to the blanket bag for some more mischief.  They
played for about an hour and a half!!!  Usually a new thing will peak
their interest for about 10-15 minutes.  Not this though.  they REALLY
enjoyed themselves and I certainly enjoyed watching them play themselves
out like that.
Wishing you all very Merry Holidays, which ever they may be,
Mary Jo
Hug your fuzzy today!!
[Posted in FML issue 4735]