I have just waded through 2 weeks fmls that built up here, and am
dismayed at the critisism of the content of the FML.
A message for BIG.... I am amazed at the way you seem to get the balance
right, and allow people an exchange of views, and put opposing arguments
while knowing exactly when to call a halt to a topic, in my view, the
attraction of the FML is the varied mix of fact, narrative and fiction
which both informs and entertains readers.
Alexandra, Dont you dare stop amusing us with O/T posts.  Lee and I look
forward to the adventures of Switch and Lily, and still recall with
fondness the wit and wisdom of Sabrina the bat biter.  I would caution
you about getting involved in anything that involves a body being
willingly chained, such things have brought down careers, although I
hear the publishing rights can be good if you dont mind the notoriety.
And now... for whoever feels that this should be 100% ferret related I
am often moved close to tears by the cruelty and evil I read about on the
FML, Each needless death of a fuzzy is in some way painful to me, maybe
that is over the top, but its how I feel.  I wish I were able to inflict
similar cruelty on the perpetrators.  Were this point of view taken
further then what?
What is next?  no "Rainbow Bridge" posts because they are not "factual"?
(and who is to say that the bridge doesnt exist in one form or another?)
For some people the Rainbow Bridge posts are a very neccessary part of
healing after the loss of a pet, I think those messages demonstrate the
great kindness that exists and given thier nature are an extreme act of
generosity on the part of those anonymous persons involved.
Theres a hell of a lot of posts that are not relevant to me in the UK,
and I am sure the same is true for people in other countries (I can only
dream of attending a symposium) so I skim, feeling joy at some posts,
sadness at others, and then having a damned good laugh at some of the
humour, be it "The Oracle" and the little red radio flyer wagon or the
further adventures of Switch and Lily and the green and yellow 1948 John
Deere with its back-hoe attachment.
I think it is true to say that most of the "readership" of the list NEED
something to break what would otherwise be a cold litany of cruelty death
and disease.  I get the FHL, and yes the posts there are great for facts
etc, but can you understand how depressed it makes me feel when I read
them?  although there is often some good news, when a fuzzy recovers from
a nasty sickness, I still end my reading with a heavy heart, so much
sickness in these tiny wonderful zany creatures, thats why I am thankful
for the O/T stuff that often lightens the darkness of this mean world
I like the analogy of the list "family", for that is what it is.  After
one of my losses, I was incredibly touched when I receieved a small gift
through the post, from a person I shall probably never meet who lives
thousands of miles away, and yet, because of this list, they felt free
to reach out to me in a time of great sorrow.  That is the strength of
the FML, it brings us all together on a common ground, and such is the
intimacy that is built here, we become friends.  To tamper with the
character of the FML would be to risk losing all that makes it special
My thoughts and best wishes to those with sick, lost or angelled fuzzie
heart stealers
Cris & the kidz -
Rhoobarb (biteyweezil) and the new guy... "Chunk" (Chunkyweezil)
Remembering those who stole pieces of my heart
Custard (Cussieangelweezil) my gentle little joker and daddies
Bubbles, (Da Warweezil) first ferret par excellence and leader of the
Skweek (Skweekyweezil) daddies litle earwashing girl and all round little
Called away from this world to dance with the angels at the rainbow
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[Posted in FML issue 4714]