Hi, dis be Muldoone, officialist Wainbow Bwidge Gweeter and I gots emails
from Stephanie askins me to checks up on Spanky.  I wocated Spanky and he
be doing gud.  Da odders knew he be coming and dey meets him at da Bwidge
whens he gots here.  At first he be kinda 'fraid, he not know dese odder
fewets but dey tells him all about wiving wif da hooman-bean Stephanie.
After a wittle while, dey all becomes good fwiends.
I talks to Spanky and he tells me he not gets to be wif you for very wong
and he sads 'bout dat.  I askis him how he gets to your house and he say
a fewet angel weads him dere, da kind of angel dat only fewets can sees,
no hooman-beans can sees.  Da odder fewets Sam, Moose, George, SnowFlake,
Jethro, Sonny & Cher, Claudia & Scarlett O'Ferret tells him what it be
wike to wives at your house and he say he wants to come back as anodder
fewet to wives at your house again.  He askis me if dat be possible and I
tells him I not make dose kinds of dicisions, only da Boss can do dat.
Eberyone be taking gud care of your Spanky and I tells him what you says
'bout missing him and woving him wots.
[Posted in FML issue 4734]