First I want to say Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all you fuzzies &
humans out there.
Just want to share this with you.  This is something none of the rest of
us 6 pack got to do in our life time so far.  He he we are only 1 to 3
years old.  Anyways.  Mom was on the computer as she always is & dad was
in the living room watching judge joe.  The other ferrets were somewhere
for who knows where.  Mom heard this squeaky noise.  She thought it was
the wimp timmy being pinned down by one of us tiny girls, ran to save the
big whimp from us & here I was little missy having a heck of a jolly time
with a mouse.  Well we thought it was a mouse until mom had to break us
up & it ran under the stove.  Dad put the mouse trap with it's last meal
of peanut butter on it.  About 20 minutes later we heard a snap.  Well
the trap went off-(under the sink so us fuzzies couldn't get into it) my
poor little play buddy was deader then a door knob.  Had a little blood
on it.  The human parents could not see where the blood was coming from.
Strangest thing he or she was laying next to the trap.  The trap didn't
get him.
Mom thinks it had a heart attack from me playing too rough.
Guess what my new friend wasn't a mouse it was a mole.
Just wanted to let you know I had a wonderful day meeting my new friend
who is gone to the bridge.
Love missy
P.S Mom says what we have brought into her life in the last 3 years was
that sh, :":{"::>>// happens & she loves it.
[Posted in FML issue 4733]