I appreciate the person who posted about using vinegar to help with
ferret odors off areas you don't want them to go.  If others have good
ideas or products, please share info on the list also!  I can't get my
ferrets to stop going on the carpet in their room.  They were so good at
first, but now whenever I come home there is at lease one pile on the
rug.  (and they're not barricaded in there, they have the run of the
condo all the time).  After cleaning the area I put items down there so
they won't go - but it doesn't help.  I put one of their little couches
there - they go next to it.  I put their blankets or playpad down, they
go on it.  For awhile I put a litterbox there and they stopped using the
area (go figure!) but then they started going in, in front of, and next
to the litterbox so I removed it.
Help! Any ideas?
[Posted in FML issue 4731]