Whatcha doing Snekers?
I'm packin' up my stuff Coco.
You goin somewhere?
Yup - I just not know where yet - dose hoomins have almost bought all 100
raffle tickets for me!!
Wow......dat was fast......am I goin wit you?
Um.....well, it could happen....if da hoomin dat wins me also wins you.
But you know, no matter where we're going, it's gonna be very soon - so
you better get busy packing too Coco.
Wohoo......I'm gettin a forever home where der gonna put lots of change
in my tummy!!
Don't forget to buy your raffle tickets at:
Snekers and Coco are packed and ready to go.......Pop.....Pop.....Pop....
Snekers....you stop popping your bubble wrap - you need that for safe
ride to your new home!!!
[Posted in FML issue 4731]