Well, Paige warned me.  She warned us all.  i finally got 4 hours of
solid sleep, i haven't really slept since this all happened.  So i
dreamt, so i finally had those nightmares Paige warned me about.  I
don't think i want to sleep again for a while.
On a terrific note, the kids are all holding their own.  Elvis, one of
the kids i was sure wasn't going to make it has gained almost 1 full
pound (almost 450 grams) in one week!He is still super thin and one
can still feel his hip and spinal bones but almost a whole pound!
Fleur is doing quite well while Sugar is still not a good weight (though
she has gained a lot this week).  Cass is quite thin, but has learned to
climb cages.  Hardy, the ferret EVERYONE has feared has become more laid
back, he actually war danced for me last night!  It was short lived and
he never did it again, but his first dance brought a tear to my eye.
Many of you have asked what our shelter needs right now and i truly thank
you all for being so compassionate.  Honestly, it's the little things we
need.  The shelter's washer and dryer have long since died and with all
the messes these little ones have been making, laundry is overwhelming
us.  I want to thank Julie, Jolanta and Bonnie for taking loads home this
week and to Tina who is taking a couple of loads home today.
Garbage is totally building up.  Our city only allows 3 bins to be picked
up at a time - we're already over limit :)
Thank you all so much, the other shelters, the countless ferret people
out there, you all have overwhelmed me with your kindness.  Words simply
can not express the thanks and love i hold for all of you in my heart.
I've told many of you that "thank you" simply doesn't sound good enough
to let you know how i feel, and i really wish there were better words to
express my feelings, but there isn't.  Until someone invents them, thank
you will be on my lips to all of you.
My dreams of Paris may be nightmares right now, but thanks to you, i
know my dreams will be of happy ferrets soon.
All my love, Randy
Randy Melanie Belair
The Ferret Aid Society "For the Love of our Fuzzy Friends"
[Posted in FML issue 4731]