Hello all ferrety humans.  There are some among us that need our prayers,
thoughts, vibes and well wishes.
Risa asked all of us to keep a little fuzzy named Bonnie in our thoughts.
Bonnie has heart trouble and is having a difficult time.  So send out
extra prayers and good thoughts for Bonnie and her mommy.
Please send some good vibes and well wishes out for Milo who has an upper
respiratory infection.  He is recovering and has to be separated from his
business until he is better.  No one wants to be alone when sick, so help
this little guy to a speedy recovery.
I am the Guardian of Hope.
If you know a ferret in need and prayers or good wishes will help ease
the pain, please let us know.  Send us a note with the information and
we will send our very best prayers or good thoughts in Hopes that the
warm power of love will surround and comfort the precious little one -
and the hoomans who loves them.
[Posted in FML issue 4730]