Please, could one of the Rainbow Greeters, find Spanky, he cross the
Bridge a year ago today, 12-16-03.  Tell him I still miss him.  You see,
he was my very first ferret and when he left, he took a large chuck of my
heart with him.  You should find him with the other Rainbow Bridge Closet
Thieves: Sam, Moose, George, SnowFlake, Jethro, Sonny & Cher, Claudia &
Scarlett O'Ferret.  It's important that they join you at the Bridge, to
welcome Niko and invite him to stay with them until I join them.  They
will not know each other, but when you see him, you'd think he was
Spanky's twin brother.
Niko came to us around the first of November 2004.  He was found
stumbling down the middle of a country road, by this very nice couple.
They provided wonderful care for him, but couldn't keep him and made the
call to Robin and she called me.  When he arrived at our house, one look
at him & my son & I looked at each other & said OMG he looks like Spanky.
He was the sweetest ferret I have yet to meet.  I could tell, he was
"Special" and I saw no way he'd be without a home.  I was sad to see he
was so weak (Insulinoma for sure).  He settled in and became part of the
family.  He was loved by all.  We hoped he would be with us for a long
time.  Sadly this wasn't meant to be, he started slipping away.
I dreaded this day, has it been a year since your leaving to lead the
Closet Thieves at the Bridge?  But as I looked into Niko's eyes, I knew,
it was time to let him go and become well.
I am sad, that I never got to see you dance, you were never strong enough
to do so.  Please go and dance with the other Angels and if you don't
mind, please wait with the Closet Thieves for my arrival.
Extend my love, to them all.  They have truly enriched my life, even when
their passing,and the pain, I wouldn't trade a minute of my time with
each of them, for all the teas in China.  The love I've shared with them,
lives on, in what is left of my heart.
Dance & Play little Angels.  I will dream of you all tonight.
Stephanie & the 5 Closet Thieves:
Nikki, Ruby Jean, Milo, Elie Mae & Gracie
Taz (dog), Dara Nin, Monkey, & Tommy (cats)
plus 1 Red Eared Slider & the Finch Society
[Posted in FML issue 4729]