Hi all you fert lovers!!
For those of you who have had pathology done on your ferrets tissues.
What is a reasonable amount of time to wait for the report to be
completed?  It has been five months and I haven't heard a word.  I don't
want to seem impatient or rude, as I wasn't charged for the service, but
I would like to have the results.
Now for the hard part.  I need some advice and didn't know where else to
ask.  I hope you don't mind.  My brother is terminally ill and has about
2-3 months to live.  Cancer throughout his organs.  He/We just found this
out the end of October.  We are (me)45 & (he)50 years old.  He is having
a very difficult time facing this.  His hospice person hasn't stepped up
and found a psychologist/psychiatrist for him to talk to even though he
has asked for that.  So, I thought I would at least get him a book that
might help him.  I tried to find an APPROPRIATE book for him to read as
he told me he doesn't want to talk to anyone in the family about it.
Does anyone have a suggestion on the title of a book that is FOR the
person that is dying?  A million books out there for the survivors to
read.  How to cope, how to care ,how to grieve.  But, after about 20
hours of research not a book that is specifically for the terminally ill
person to read.  I finally bought "What a dying person wants (to know)."
It is a start but still not quite the right book.  It still talks a lot
about the DR.  and survivors.
Any suggestions?  Anyone?
I hope so because I am at my wits end and I can't stop crying which
doesn't help anyone.
Thanks in Advance, Mary Jo & the magnificent seven (fuzzies)
PS Someone, at the bookstore, suggested a book by Victor Frankl "The
meaning of man" would this book really be relevant?
[Posted in FML issue 4729]