Hello all,
Its been a while since I've posted and now that my ferrets are getting
older, I am starting to experience much of what I have read here.  I'm
hoping I can get some feedback from experienced ferret owners/care-takers
regarding your thoughts on treatment of adrenal disease in the right
gland near the vena cava.
My oldest ferret, Bofa (just turned 6), underwent sugary a little over
a month ago for insulinoma.  It was quite successful and he's running
around like a kit again!  However, I've been noticing the classic hair
loss associated with adrenal.  At first, I thought it could just be
due to the lack of hair elsewhere on his body, and that I was just
perceivingg it that way.  Now that it is well on its way back, I can
clearly see where the hair around the tail and now up onto the lower back
has thinned.  After placing a call to the vet who performed the surgery,
I found that the right gland had looked a little swollen, but was left
untouched due to its precariouss position.
So now the question is, do I follow-up with meds, or seek out a second
opinion for sugary?  I am not sure since he has just recovered, but then
again, perhaps it is better to find an experienced vet who can stop it
now before it gets worse!
If anyone has any advice, stories, or recommendations, please let me
know.  I would like to make a decision with as much info as possible!
Thanks much!
Kristine & her Bofa in Florida
[Posted in FML issue 4713]