PLEASE PLEASE tell me the following episode has happened to someone else
besides me!  LOL!
Here I am catching up on my email tonight and trying to eat dinner at the
same time (mind you it's 11pm and I've been running carzy doing errands
ALL day and just spent 2 hrs in the grocery store!) ... I'm eating a bowl
of soup with a beige plastic spoon sticking out of it.  Simultaneously I
have Phoebe in front of me on the desk (horizontal to the keyboard)
eating her 'yummy' gravy in a shallow bowl with a beige Tablespoon
sticking out (in case I need to give her a few "helpful" bites, to make
sure she eats enough before she gets her Pred).
I'm reading email... she's eating gray... then she appears to be done so
I put Phoebe down on the floor and turn back to quickly finish reading.
Out of the corner of my eye I see the 'beige' spoon so I grab "my soup",
take a big scoop with the 'spoon' and down the hatch it goes - but it
wasn't my SOUP - it was the GRAVY!  !  !  NO WONDER I have to coax her to
eat it - that stuff tastes HORRIBLE!!!!  Sure all the kiddos prefer the
gravy to their kibble and most of the time Sasha licks the gravy bowl
spotless but other times their palates just don't want gravy and now I
see why!
Well, to avoid spraying the nasty mouthful of "ka-ka" all over my
keyboard.... you guessed it - I swallowed it and of course, I didn't
have anything within reach with which to wash it down, except my tomato
basil bisque soup (NOT!).  I didn't think the aftertaste would EVER go
away so now maybe I'll lighten up on kiddos when they're just not 'in
the mood' to eat gravy.  LOL!
Serves me right for A) taking so long at the grocery store tonite that I
had to rush through the night to get 'caught up' and B) for eating dinner
at 11pm when I should have just waited until breakfast tomorrow!
Well, just thought everyone out there could use a good laugh at my
expense :-)
Happy Holiday . . . . Jen and the 3 Amigos
[Posted in FML issue 4726]